Dr. Juan A. Garcia
Administrative Bishop
Give Me A New Heart Lord
Infidelity is one of the most prevalent sins of these days. In the business world, with exceptions, men do not feel bound to the word bent. In the social sphere, marital infidelity abounds everywhere; the sacred bonds of marriage are broken with the same ease with which an old garment is discarded. In the Church, thousands who solemnly promised to preach the truth deny it unscrupulously. None of us are immune to this terrible sin; In how many different ways have we been unfaithful to Christ?
God's Faithfulness
This quality is essential, without it it would not be God. For God, to be unfaithful would be to act against his nature, which is impossible, because God cannot do anything that threatens Himself: "If we are unfaithful he remains faithful: he cannot deny himself" (2 Timothy 2:13). Faithfulness is one of God's glorious perfections. Faithfulness is like the belt of God: “O Jehovah, God of hosts, who like you? You are mighty, Jehovah, and your truth is around you ”(Psalm 89: 8). Likewise, when God was incarnate, it was said: "Justice will be the belt of his loins, and faithfulness will be at his waist." (Isaiah 11: 5).
God never forgets, nor misses his Word; he never pronounces it with doubt, never renounces it. The Lord has committed to fulfill every promise and prophecy, every covenant established and every threat or judgment, because “God is not a man, so that he lies; No son of man to repent. He said, “And won't he ?; He spoke and will not execute it? ” (Numbers 23:19). That is why we must say with certainty: “His mercies never diminished. New are every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3: 22-23).
Illustrations about God's faithfulness are very abundant in the Scriptures. More than four thousand years ago, He said: "As long as the earth exists, sowing and mowing, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will not cease" (Genesis 8:22). Each passing year is a new test of the fulfillment of this promise made by God.
In Genesis 15 we read that Jehovah declared Abraham: “Be assured that your descendants will be foreigners in a land that will not be theirs, and will enslave them and oppress them 400 years. But I will also judge the nation they will serve, and after this they will come out with great wealth. But you will go to your parents in peace and you will be buried in good old age. In the fourth generation they will return here, ”(vs. 13-16).
The centuries went on, and Abraham's descendants groaned as they cooked bricks in Egypt. Had God forgotten his promise? No, by the way. Let's read (Exodus 12:41): After 430 years, on the same day all the squadrons of Jehovah left the land of Egypt. God, speaking for the prophet Isaiah, declared: "Therefore, the Lord himself will give you the sign: Behold, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and call his name Emmanuel" (Isaiah 7:14). Again the centuries passed, "but when the time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman" (Galatians 4: 4).
God's faithfulness is truthful
As God is true, so is his faithfulness. His word of promise is sure. In all his relationships with his people God is faithful. In Him, man can trust. No one has ever trusted God in vain. We find this precious truth expressed anywhere in Scripture, because your people need to know that faithfulness is an essential part of the divine character.
This is the foundation of our trust. But it is one thing to accept God's faithfulness as a divine truth, and another very different act according to it. God has given us precious and great promises, but do we really have his fulfillment? Do we really expect him to do everything he said for us? Do we rest with absolute confidence in words?
"Faithful is he who promised" (Hebrews 10:23).
God is Faithful in the Midst of Pain
There are times in the lives of all men and women, even in that of Christians, when it is not easy to believe that God is faithful. Our faith is painfully tested, our eyes wet with tears, and we cannot succeed to see the work of his love. The noises of the world stun our ears and keep us from hearing the sweet accents of God's tender voice. The plans we caressed have been broken, some friends we trusted have abandoned us, someone who professed to be our brother in Christ has betrayed us. We wobble. We try to be faithful to God, but a dark cloud hides him from us.
“Who is among you who fears Jehovah, and hears the voice of his servant? He who walks in darkness and lacks light, trust in the name of Jehovah, and rely on his God ”(Isaiah 50:10). When we are tempted to doubt God's faithfulness, we shout: “Go away, satan!
Although sometimes we cannot harmonize God's behavior with the declarations of his love, let us wait on Him, and ask for more light, He will show us his will in due time. “What I do, you don't understand now; but you will understand later ”(John 13: 7), God never forgets his own.
“Therefore, the Lord waits to have mercy on you, and therefore he will rise to have compassion on you. Because the Lord is a God of justice; How blessed are all who wait in Him! Isaiah 30:18
God's Faithfulness in His Judgments
God is faithful in fulfilling his promises, in fulfilling the benefits and in giving us his goodness, but he is also faithful to fulfill his threats and his judgments. He has faithfully diagnosed the terrible state that sin has produced. He has made us know his hatred of evil, and that it must be punished. He has faithfully prevented us that He is "consuming fire" (Hebrews 12:29). His word not only abounds in illustrations of his faithfulness in the fulfillment of his promises, but also records numerous examples of his faithfulness in the fulfillment of his threats. Each stage in the history of Israel exemplifies this solemn fact.
The same happens in relation to individuals: Pharaoh, Achan and many others, are tests. Unless we turn to Christ for refuge, the eternal torment will be what awaits us. God is faithful in protecting his people. "Faithful is God, by which you are called to the participation of his Son" (1 Corinthians 1: 9). God will confirm to his people until the end, the apostle's faith in the absolute security of the salvation of believers was based, not on the power of his resolutions or on his ability to persevere, but on the truthfulness of him who cannot lie.
God will not allow any of those who are part of the inheritance he has given his Son to perish, but has promised to deliver them from sin and condemnation, and make them partakers of eternal life in glory. God is faithful in disciplining his people. He is as faithful in what he retains as in what he gives. Faithful in sending sentences, as well as in giving joys. God's faithfulness is a truth that we must recognize, not only when we are at peace, but also when we suffer the most severe rebuke.
God's Faithfulness and Correction
This recognition must be in our heart, it should not be only lips. It is God's faithfulness that drives the rod with which it hurts us. Recognizing him like this means humiliating ourselves before Him and confessing that we deserve his correction, and instead of murmuring, thank him. God never grieves without reason: "Therefore there are many sick and weak among you" (1 Corinthians 11:30), illustrates this principle. When his rod falls on us, let's say with Daniel: "Yours is the Lord, justice, and ours is the confusion of the face" (Daniel 9: 7).
"I know, O Jehovah, that your judgments are justice, and that according to your faithfulness you afflicted me" (Psalm 119: 75). Grief and affliction are not only compatible with the love promised in the everlasting covenant, but also parts of its administration. God is faithful, not only in spite of afflictions, but also in sending them. “Then I will visit his rebellion with a rod, and his iniquities with lashes. But I will not take away my mercy, nor will I falsify my truth ”(Psalm 89: 32,33). The punishment is not only reconcilable with his mercy, but the effect and expression of it. How much more peace of mind would the people of God have if everyone remembered that his love covenant forced him to send correction when it was convenient! Afflictions are necessary: ​​"In their distress they will rise early to me" (Hosea 5:15). God is faithful in glorifying his children. “Faithful is he who called you; who will also do it ”(1st Thessalonians 5:24). Here it refers to the saints who are kept whole without rebuke for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. God does not treat us according to our merits (since we have none), but according to his own great name.
Paul rested on the faithfulness of God when he said: "I know who I have believed, and I am certain that it is powerful to keep my deposit for that day" (2nd Timothy 1:12).
Understanding this blessed truth will free us from restlessness. When we are full of anxiety, when we see our situation with fear, when we look to tomorrow with pessimism, we are rejecting God's faithfulness. He who has heard your prayers in the past, will not fail to meet your needs at the time of trouble. "In six tribulations he will deliver you, and in the seventh he will not be touched by evil" Job 5:19.
​Understanding this blessed truth will restrain our impatient complaints. The Lord knows what is best for each of us, we must learn to rest in his faithfulness. God will be greatly honored if, when we go through the test we recognize his love.
When we confidently place our lives and our things in the hands of God, fully persuaded of his love and faithfulness, we will soon be content with his provisions, and we will realize that "God does everything right."